how to find funding, write grant applications and ask for more money
how to find money
introducing our grant finder tool designed to help charities easily search a database of trusts and foundations that have made grants to charitable organisations (including elusive private ancillary funds registered as a nonprofit). filter the results by ACNC charity sub-type to narrow down your search and find funders aligned with your organisation’s mission.
so whether you are a health charity, educational nonprofit, or animal welfare organisation, you can find potential funders that support your cause. the grant finder database includes a website link (where available) to find more information about their grant programs and application processes.
you can also try our AI grants finder (scroll to the bottom of this page) to identify grant-makers in your location by cause and grant-type.
other free sources of grants available to charities include Grants Connect (federal government), grants and program finder, and state and territory grants. local government websites also include grants to community groups.
how to ask for more money
once you have found a grant opportunity, you can leverage better charity’s exclusive AI-powered grant writing tool to help craft your grant application in alignment with the grantor’s guidelines and criteria.
you can also send a fundraising appeal to your mailing list of supporters using better charity’s AI-powered appeal writing tool (coming soon) it will never replace professional copy-writers but it will help you get started with limited resources.
and to bolster your ask, better charity’s AI-powered Case for Support tool (coming soon) can help you clearly communicate your charity’s mission, impact, and unique value proposition to potential funders.
search for funders …
filter the grant finder table below by adding the letter Y (caps) into the relevant charity sub-type and then press ENTER. the grant finder database will update with trusts and foundations who support the selected cause (or multiple causes). you can also export and download the list as a file or spreadsheet. if there is no website link, search for their ACNC contact details here.
the AI-powered funding finder uses prompts to find grant-makers and private companies in your geographic area. simply follow the prompts and copy the results.
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find funding for your charity (AI generated)
- research: take the time to research and identify grant opportunities that align with your mission and programs.
- customise proposals: tailor proposals to each funder’s specific requirements and priorities.
- build relationships: attend networking events, reach out for meetings or phone calls to discuss your organisation’s work, and keep in touch with updates on your projects.
- demonstrate Impact: clearly articulate the outcomes of your programs, including success stories, data-driven evidence, and testimonials.
- budget wisely: when preparing grant proposals, make sure to create a detailed budget that reflects the costs of your project or program. be transparent about how funds will be allocated and managed.
- follow guidelines: it is crucial for charities to carefully review grant guidelines and instructions before submitting an application.
- track results: after receiving a grant, track and report on the progress of funded projects as per the funder’s requirements.