how to find money

introducing our grant finder tool designed to help charities easily search a database of trusts and foundations that have made grants to charitable organisations (including elusive private ancillary funds registered as a nonprofit). filter the results by ACNC charity sub-type to narrow down your search and find funders aligned with your organisation’s mission.

you can also try our AI grants finder (scroll to the bottom of this page) to identify grant-makers in your location by cause and grant-type.

how to ask for more money

you can also send a fundraising appeal to your mailing list of supporters using better charity’s AI-powered appeal writing tool (coming soon) it will never replace professional copy-writers but it will help you get started with limited resources.

search for funders …

the AI-powered funding finder uses prompts to find grant-makers and private companies in your geographic area. simply follow the prompts and copy the results.

you must become a FREE subscriber to generate your own benchmarking report.

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hints and tips

find funding for your charity (AI generated image)

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